Saturday, December 7, 2013
Out Late - Movie Review
How I Left Traditional Cigarettes Behind!
One day I just decided that I was tired of the way they made me feel so I got on the internet and researched all the different brands and which one was the best. I purchased a starter kit for all of the top 5 brands, and I stuck with the one that has the best flavor, amount of vapor, and safety. I began smoking them and not too long after that it got to where I didn't want to even smoke a real cigarette even if I tried because they tasted so nasty compared to my e-cig. I then started smoking them regularly and every time a friend would be around me they would ask me what kind of e-cig it was and they wanted to buy one. I started selling so many that I decided it would be easier for my friends and myself to become a distributor. It turned out to be a good investment because I was able to get the kits to my friends and family at such a lower price than most. I am now expanding that to my followers and hope that I can help ya'll find a safer alternative to smoking.
My e-cigs that I sell are the same ones I live by, they have made me feel better and I no longer put my family at risk because of a decision that I made. Below is the link to my website where you can browse through them. I give at least a 10% discount, if not more, depending on the amount of the order. I have fast shipping and will help you however I can.
West Texas Premier E-Cigs
I promise I am not just trying to ploy a sell. I really do stand behind these e-cigs and will answer any questions I can. I just want to share something that has been so helpful to me. I chose these because I know where they come from and know they don't have any harsh chemicals that the others contain.
If you need to know something, let me know.
Take Care of Yourself,
Movie Review - "Bride Groom"
Give it a watch and let me know what you think! Sorry for the poor review, I couldn't find a better way to approach it.
Take Care of Yourself,
Check out my Tumblr blog at this link below --- please don't hesitate to follow if you enjoy my Tumblr. It is a mix of reviews and just plain blogging.
Gay West Teas Blog
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Consolidation of Blogs
Monday, April 22, 2013
The Movie Life: Beauty (2011) Review
Monday, April 8, 2013
The Movie Life: Shameless (TV Series, Season 3 - Episode 12) Season Finale Review
I suppose "ask and you shall receive" is due here. I have been complaining that they haven't been focusing enough on Eian and Mickey and they sure did show some insight into that relationship. I found it very interesting that this was a season finale because they didn't really tie any loose ends. The only thing we know is that Fiona got a full time job at the office, everything else is up in the air. Will Lip go to MIT? Will Eian actually stay in the army essentially removing his character from the show? What will happen with Karen and Mandy? Where is Jimmy, is he dead? Will Frank change his ways or die? I am sure there are a lot more questions, but those tend to be the main ones for me. I felt that the episode did a good job and breaking down Eian and Mickey's relationship. You saw Mickey get emotional for probably the first time, at least from a crying stand point. We also had confirmation that Mandy knows about their relationship and apparently she approves of it. It was interesting to see Eian tell Mickey no, but my romantic side was wanting something different. I don't feel that the military will last with Eian, I think he will get there and run into a snag because he is using Lip's identity. This might tie in to MIT because MIT is very closely associated with the military (ie. West Point). Another twist we have is with Lip, if he takes the MIT offer and goes to college we may not see much of his character anymore which would really sadden me. I am hoping he will take it and they will either all move, or have him home every weekend. I think the whole crew moving is more believable. He actually told Mandy thanks and that me be the beginning of their reconciliation. As much as I hate to say it I really like Mandy. I think that minus her violent jealousy, she has a good head on her shoulders and she has a big heart. What she did was wrong, but Karen's mind games were wrong as well, and plus we can like it because it is a movie. Franks health was a big focus on this episode. We all knew that he couldn't possibly ride the gravy train forever, and it seems as if that is ending. With his medical conditions, he is a ticking time bomb if he doesn't start getting medical care. Cirrhosis, esophageal varicies, and portal hypertension are all things that can be very deadly if not treated; he has essentially drank himself to the edge of death. We know they won't be booting William H. Macy any time soon, so I am assuming he will get some kind of help but I could be totally wrong. Fiona finally got her coveted full time office job, and it seems to me that she isn't very happy about it. I may be reading into the episode too much, but I felt that at the end she wasn't very happy with everything. This could be about Jimmy, but I just can't shake the feeling that she isn't satisfied. She did invest a lot of money to get this job so I could be totally off, I guess next season will tell. The Michigan position might help with the story of them all making a move that way. What happen to Jimmy? I am wondering if we will get more closure next season. There are several different scenarios that you can work with. He either was murdered, left back to South America, or got away and we don't know it. I have a feeling he is dead, but shows always like to portray it that way so that you are surprised when the next season rolls around. The episode ends with Fiona calling Jimmy and telling his voice mail that she is done and this is her final call to say bye, Eian leaving on a bus to basic training, Lip telling Mandy he doesn't know if he is going to take the job, and Frank leaving the hospital against medical advice in a gown and shoes. There are definitely a ton of open ends for next season, but if you are a fan at least we know there is a next season. Overall they did a great job this season and it was much more insightful than the others. This season gets my 5 stars because I was impressed with every episode. Can't wait till next season. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Until Next Time,
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!!!
It gives me motivation to use it lol. See my Facebook on the Twitter page as well! I am everywhere!
Thanks Everyone!
Great Weekend
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have more posts coming your way for movies and such, but I thought I would share my weekend. I decided that Saturday would be a lazy day and Sunday would be an outdoors day. One of my hobbies is cast netting. I take a large net that catches fish (primarily bait fish) and I go around the lake and try to catch fish for my aquarium. I enjoy catching the wild fish because you never know what's coming up in the net when you pull it out. Yesterday was not my best, I only began to catch things as the sun went down, and unfortunately they bailed the aquarium over night and I lost all my cat fish. I hate when this happens because I catch them to watch them not cause hurt. Either way it will be back to the drawing board this week to see if my luck can improve at all. I love having a nature aquarium and I hope to catch some beautiful fish for it this year.
Until Next Time,
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Movie Life: Bully (2012) Review
The Movie Life: Shameless (TV Series, Season 3 - Episode 11 ) Review
Shameless Season 3 Episode 11
The Movie Life: Ruben's Place (2012) Review
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The Movie Life: Paper Boys (2009) Review
Monday, March 25, 2013
Shameless Season 3 Episode 10 Review
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
I dunno if any of you watch the series, but I thought I would talk a little about it. This episode was a good one. I keep hoping that they will focus more on Eian and Mickey, but it still needs to be a larger part of the story in my opinion, of course I am bias too. The development of this seasons sorry line is going well. I think that they are doing a good job at making this seasons buildup very enjoyable to watch. It remains to be offensive to every person, but that's what it does best. I am excited how v they are going to finish v this season off, I wouldn't mind them getting Eian a new boyfriend for the end. I hope anyone who can will join in, I love to see and c hear different opinions! The episode only gets 4 stars because I feel that they could do a lot more with the Gay story line, God knows we have seen a ton of tits and sub-par stories with them. Naturally you would feel like they would put more focus on the Eian and Mickey story since it has been in development so long. Hopefully things will change, and they will use the story more. The stories that are building seem good, but some appear premature or rushed. Only time will tell if they will, but we can always hope.
Until Next Time,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Movie Review: Get Real
Book Review: Desert Sons
Look forward for the review of the sequel soon, "Into This World Were Thrown"
Acting: ★★★★★
Story: ★★★★★
Cinematography: ★★★★★
Overall: ★★★★★
I don't usually give 5 stars all around, but the fact is that this movie has great quality for the LGBT genera. The actors were believable, especially the main one, and you could tell that they have had experience in the acting filed. The main character is from General Hospital and has been in the game for quite some time. The story focuses around a millionaire who retires and discovers that he has all this time on his hand and has never really explored his sexuality. He has an overbearing sister, a nephew who is an artist, and a very cute dog. The story develops as he meets a gay man in the park as he walks his dog and they develop a relationship. It is a pretty predictable story for the most part, but it is a fun movie, and you feel good about it at the end of the day. This one is worth a watch I don't think that you will be disappointed.