Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Movie Life: Bully (2012) Review

Movie Review: Bully (2012) Review



Acting: Documentary N/A
Story: «««««
Cinematography: «««««

Overall: «««««

This movie was amazing, sad and heartbreaking, but a very good movie. I think most people are familiar with this and how controversial it was. If not I will give a quick description. This is a documentary that follows several different children that are being bullied along with some families of children whom killed themselves because of bullying. I feel that his should be showed in every school in the United States. This movie isn't gay themed, it has one girl that is, but the main theme of this is about bullying and the effects of it. The movie shows  how the systems has failed all of us and they dynamic of bullying. One of the things that it really shines light on is the way it mentally effects the children. One boy has gotten so used to it that he makes excuses for it and others just give up on life. Another issue this discusses is the lack of competency among our law enforcement and especially school officials. The psychology that some of the school leaders use is so damaging. At one point in the movie a cop addresses a crime committed by a girl being bullied by saying since she wasn't physically beaten, she had no reason to have to defend herself. It is that kind of stupidity that causes bullying. Many do not understand how painful emotional abuse is. I personally believe that any educational leader should have some extensive psychology training so that if they are going to be counseling our children they are properly prepared and not give them advice or put them in situations that are going to just make things worse. This brings awareness on how important it is to stop bullying and how horrible it is one anyone. The is a very heartbreaking film but I feel it must be watched. We all need to know how it hurts everyone around and how it is such a vicious cycle. I hope that this will get out more and eventually help lead law makers to create legislation against bullying. 

R.I.P. To all those who have felt so hopeless they took their lives. Shall you never be forgotten. 

If you or anyone you know suffers from bullying don't be silent, get help at the following website: Help stop bullying now.

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